Webhook Logs
The Webhook Logs page allows you to see recent webhooks for a Graffle project sent to your system along with allowing you to search through all webhooks by Flow Event, Transaction Id, Event Indexer Id ,or whether it was successful or failed.
If you need to replay multiple webhooks, you can do that by checking the box in the table that you wish to replay. After that, you can click the replay button at the top right of the table to replay all those events. Pushing Replay will open a new page with the original locations the webhooks tried to send to.
From here you can choose to replace the original URL for the replay. Once you have made your adjustments you can press the replay button to confirm sending out the webhooks.
If you need to see more detail about a Webhook Log you can click the arrow on the far right of the row. This will open a new window allowing you to see detailed information such as Project Details, Send Attempts, etc.
You can open each send attempt to get even more detailed information by clicking the arrow to the left of the attempt. This will give you information on the request body sent along with the response body we receive from your system.
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