
Your Graffle dashboard is where you can view and manage your companies and projects: https://manage.graffle.io/

This is the latest version of the Graffle dashboard. In the image below, several import and/or new features are labeled. They are:

  1. Environment Switch

  2. Navigation Pane

  3. Company Switcher

  4. Project Dropdown Selector

  5. Flow Blockchain Heath Status

  6. Indexers Table

  7. Recent Events Table

1. Environment Selector: This control will let you switch from working with projects on Mainnet or Testnet of the Flow blockchain

2. Navigation Pane: This has the links to different parts of the web app. NOTE: The 'Company' link may or may not be displayed depending on whether or not you are an administrator of the currently selected company

3. Company Switcher: With the new version of the Graffle Management Dashboard, you can create different companies, each with their own associated projects and members, and easily switch back and forth between them. You can invite other Graffle users to join your company and delegate different roles for each user. This dropdown also shows you the companies that you are a member of. More on that later.

4. Project Dropdown Selector: This dropdown has a list of all the projects associated with the currently selected company. Selecting a project from the list, will show you the Indexers you have added to that project (See annotation #6), as well as show you the 25 most recent events captured by the indexers belonging to this project (See annotation #7).

5. Flow Blockchain Health Indicator: This displays a snapshot of the health of the blockchain. The number shows you the average number of milliseconds for a transaction to be added to the chain.

6. Indexers Table: This table shows you the indexers associated with the currently selected project. Owners and Admins Only: You can toggle the indexers and their streams on or off as well as edit the indexer's information and settings.

7. Recent Events Table: This table show the 25 most recent events captured and logged for the currently selected project. To see most events for a project, go to the Events page of the Graffle Management Dashboard.

Last updated